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Farm 219ha El Gato – Coyhaique, Aysén


A Field near Coyhaique with Fascinating Formations that Delights Nature Lovers!

Welcome to a 218.75 hectares field with 2kms of river bank. Located 90 kilometers north of Coyhaique, 30 kilometers from Route 7, between the areas of Villa Ortega and Villa Mañihuales.

Characteristics of the property

  • Countryside near the city of Coyhaique
  • It borders with Arroyo El Gato for approximately 2 kilometers.
  • Several streams and springs
  • There is electric power supply along the rural road 300 meters away from the entrance to the field.
  • Obtaining water from springs on the property.
  • There is a telephone signal in some areas of the area
  • It has fences around its perimeter.

The access to the farm is through a gravel road in good condition and then an easement of 300mts. In addition, there is an internal road that allows access to the upper part of the field.

In flora there is mostly lenga, calafate, bunchgrass, black bush and clover. In the wildlife we will be able to see foxes, deer, pumas, wild boars, condors, woodpeckers, pitios, coliparados, Huet Huet and Chucao.

Nearby and attractions

Very close to the upper boundary of the field there is a beautiful lagoon on fiscal land. In addition, near the property you will find Laguna Brava, Lago Norte, Cerro Catedral, and the Ñirehuao River, where you can fish for salmon and trout.

Previously the field was used for cattle fattening and sporadic firewood extraction. And in some streams a lot of ore has been found.

The sedimentary rocks and lush native forests of its mountain ranges exhibit numerous fascinating formations, a delight for geologists and nature lovers.


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